Paradox Of Choice

Today’s good news: we don’t have to do anything.

Today’s bad news: we don’t have to do anything.

The paradox of these statements can be hard to get our head around.

So, why is it good news? At its most basic, everything we do is a choice. And, whilst we may find today’s choices are limited by previous choices, we do still have a choice.

Choice is good. Choice is freeing. It changes the ‘have to’ into a ‘choose to’ or ‘get to’.

When it comes to the change we seek to make, not having to do anything can become a problem.

Change requires action. The one, or two, or more steps today take us closer to where we want to go. The pebble we throw in the pond today sends ripples into tomorrow and beyond.

Yes, we have a choice to do, or not to do, and when we choose to take action, we choose change.

Our choices matter. What do you choose?


Perpetual Change


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