Paying Attention

In her reflection journal, Weather Report, author Margaret O’Brien encourages us to reap the benefits of “even momentarily paying attention”.

Often times, we’re encouraged to engage in deep reflection, to remain mindful and aware, and to stay in the moment. There is plenty to show the value of these to our learning, growth and wellbeing.

We take on these practices with the intention to do so with rigour and consistency, and set the bar of our expectations extremely high.

Yet when we are trying to introduce these practices into the way we work and live, we find ourselves up against it. Sometimes work and life only allows for moments here and there.

In those moments there remains as much value in noticing, reflecting, learning and adapting.

In the words of one of my favourite proverbs: little by little, a little becomes a lot.

How might you use the micro moments and build a little change into a lot?


If you’re looking for a repository and framework for your reflections, Weather Report, provides a beautifully simple 90-day process and practice.


How It Is


Holding Space