Out Of Sight

Out of sight, out of mind.

This saying is the reason I keep numerous (no, I’m not telling you how many) tabs open at once.

This saying is the reason I keep my reusable shopping bags at the door.

This saying is the reason I keep new, work-in-progress ideas written on my whiteboard.

And, now, this saying is the reason I have a “stress box” on my desk.

Author Austin Kleon encourages us to steal like an artist, so when I heard a friend talking about their son’s teacher encouraging students to write down their worries and put them in a colourful box for safekeeping, I thought, AHA. What an idea to try.

Every single day I hear people share stories of worry, anxiety, stress and overwhelm. No, we can’t ignore the existence of stress in our work and lives, and yes, we need to work on the root causes of the stress.

The paradox of stress and overwhelm, though, is that it is difficult to take action while we are in this state.

What if we could put the stress and overwhelm somewhere for safekeeping? What if by writing it down and placing it in the stress box it becomes out of sight and out of mind? What if this respite allows our stress and overwhelm to exit the box somewhat smaller and lighter?

What if a stress box is an idea that could help us big kids as well?


The Long Game


Big Changes