Optimism is a Skill

Is optimism a skill?

I was recently asked this question during a coaching session, and the question was quickly followed up by “I believe I have a pessimistic personality!”

When it comes to making change happen, an optimistic outlook and approach increases our possibility of a favourable outcome. And, whilst the science behind optimism is complex and varied, what we do know is that we can develop habits and skills to enhance our optimism.

A combination of behaving and thinking can help to make optimism our go-to approach.

One such behaviour is saying YES.

When we want things to change, it is about finding the way to yes, rather than a reason for no. By saying yes, we focus less on the obstacles and are committed to moving beyond them. By saying yes, we are giving permission to ourselves and others to pursue something different.

When we commit to yes, we commit to action, we commit to change.

We are building new habits of thinking, and behavioural skills through a reinforcing circle of possibility. Now that’s something to be optimistic about.


When In Doubt


Dare To Care