One Person’s …

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

I was reminded of this saying as I drove through my neighbourhood where the kerbsides are beginning to fill with items for the annual collection.

It got me wondering what else might fit with the saying.

One person’s DREAM JOB is another person’s NIGHTMARE.

One person’s TERRIBLE IDEA is another person’s SPARK OF INSPIRATION

One person’s EASY is another person’s COMPLICATED

One person’s CHAOS is another person’s ORGANISED

One person’s FEAR is another person’s EXCITEMENT

One person’s BEST is another person’s COULD BE BETTER

One person’s WHATEVER is another person’s WOW.

Ah, people. We are unique. Showing us why there is no one way, no perfect way, no definitive answer, to how we work and live with our fellow humans. A fascinating and intriguing reality, albeit not always easy to navigate.

I’m curious, how might you fill in the blanks …


Focus Mode


Value Integrity