Focus Mode

I forgot to turn off focus mode 🤦‍♀️

It’s a great feature on our devices being able to shut out the world for a little while. Except when you forget to switch back into life and realise that 4 days have passed. [Oops, I mean 4 hours, but it felt like days!]

Staying in focus mode would be wonderful if the subject of our focus is on all of the things we intended, and needed, to do. We might emerge from the cocoon a fully formed butterfly, or at least with some boxes ticked on the to-do list.

Focus mode, though, is a paradox and time in it works in mysterious ways. It is almost as if having the world impinging upon us makes us acutely aware of the need to focus. In focus mode, it can be way too easy to feel like we have all the time in the world.

Like most things related to progress and change, our sweet spot lies somewhere in the middle. Using tools and techniques for bursts of focused work, and times where we are motivated and energised by the pressure of all the competing demands.

Progress is progress, as the saying goes, and it was good to make some while I was lost in focus mode.

I’m curious, how does switching off the world and going into focus mode work for you?


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