New Discovery

Ah, discoveries, I’ve had a few.

What about you?

Today’s discovery was about discoveries, as I read about how scientists discover over 10,000 new species or organisms each year.

Of course, this makes sense. Scientists approach this work with the mindset that they do not know everything, instead they estimate we’ve only discovered between 25 and 50% of all species on earth. Oh, so much discovery yet to be made.

What if we carried that same open mindset into our own work?

What if we considered that we’ve only discovered some of the ways to engineer a solution, design a product or fix a problem?

When we expect that there remains much to learn and discover, we bring our curiosity and questioning to the task at hand. We inquire deeply and explore the possibilities and experiment with alternatives.

I can imagine what we might discover. Can you?


Saying No


Discover Questions