More Work To Do

GASP. But we worked LAST WEEK!

In the cartoon, The Awkward Yeti, these words came from the character Heart, when his companion, Brain, said, “Heart, wake up. It’s time for work.”

We can laugh at the relatability of cartoons like this. Who hasn’t felt like Heart at some point in time?!

We can also use it as a prompt for better.

With research continuing to show how people suffer greater levels of stress and anxiety about work, and the “Sunday scaries” are an increasing issue, we deserve a better way of work.

It is possible for work to align to our values, to value our humanity, and to create value for all. I know this firsthand, and I know what the opposite experience is like.

We can laugh at Heart hiding under the covers not wanting to go to work, but it’s no laughing matter if this represents our life day in, day out.

With the will and want, many of us are seeking more from work, and our workplaces.

There’s still work to be done to make change happen. Which is why I’ll be going to work again this week, how about you?


Good Days


How Interesting