More Than Numbers

As the saying goes, the numbers don’t lie.

And, when we focus on certain numbers, it shines a light on the stress and overwhelm that often accompanies our work (and non-work) lives.

The never-ending number of tasks on our to-do lists.

The time (or lack thereof) represented by the boxes on our calendars.

The litany of ideas that far outweigh the ability to implement.

The list of books we should, could, or would like to read.

The equivalent list of courses to take, webinars to watch, podcasts to partake of.

And, so on.

The numbers are big … actually no, they are H-UUU-GE.

If we measure the success and satisfaction of our day, week, month and years with a tick-the-box of any of these numbers, no wonder many of us feel overwhelmed.

Where our time remains finite, and knowledge, information, connection and expectation grow exponentially, it is time to accept the reality of the numbers. They don’t add up.

Thankfully our work and lives aren’t simple sums. We get to add a little discernment, understanding and grace to the mix and change the meaning of those numbers for the better.


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