Celebrate Change

Toot your horn, they said.

Who are they?

They are the countless people - some here (Diane Wyzga, Tania Marien, Karena de Souza, Tasha Oldham, Kristin Hatcher, Daniel Burns, Michele Solomon, Tina , Connie Howe, Bill Tomoff, Terri Tomoff, Michael Feeley, Jeff Ikler and many more) who have encouraged and supported my journey to 1000.

If you had asked me when I published Drip #1, would I be here celebrating Drip #1000, my answer would have been along the lines of “I hope so.”

Whilst not a natural horn-tooter, I am a pretty good reflecter, and 1000 posts seems a good time to reflect on the journey.

A journey that started with a simple desire to share the lessons and observations from years of working with people about navigating, managing and embedding change in work and life.  Drip by drip, I’ve written and published my daily blog posts with the hope these insights are helpful to others seeking to make change happen.

It also started with the intent to practice what I preach and demonstrate how bringing a goal or project to life with conviction, courage and care is possible. Showing up, day in and day out, and doing the work.

Along the way I have reinforced for myself - and others - that any change journey involves the definitive and uncertain; is intentional and unfolding; feels energising and tiring; and is both easy and hard. It is, though, always worth it.

And, with that, I say the hugest of thanks for those who drop by here and there to read, like or comment. It means a lot. 🙏

It has been a fun ride to Drip #1000, and I’m looking forward to adding one, two, or one-thousand more.


More Than Numbers


We Need Change