Mastery Is Possible

You can be a champion of anything.

I was today years old when I discovered the world championships of pizza acrobatics. Supremely masterful athletes (it is recognised as a sport) compete in freestyle pizza tossing competitions across the globe each year.

We humans are motivated by a need for mastery. As author Daniel Pink writes, it is the drive to get better and better at something that matters to us.

In our search for what matters to us, and in seeking mastery in it, we can often be limited in our view.

Yet, possibility abounds.

When we discover that pizza acrobatics is a sport, we start by saying ‘who knew?!’ and then we might ask, ‘what else?’.

Want to be a master - world champion - of something? I’m curious, what might you discover by widening your vision of possibility?


Today You Are You


Snap! Snap!