Learn To Discern

Can we learn to discern?

Yes, this is a skill we can all master.

In our information-heavy world, work and life can provide a constant need to sort the gold from the sand.

Identifying what is important, valuable, and accurate takes time and effort. All of which provides us with the comfort, freedom and knowing in our problem solving and decision making.

What does it look like in practice?

Being curious, listening closely, asking questions, taking time, going deeper, and being open to exploring new and different ideas and views, are all part of our ability to get to the shiny, valuable information.

Work and life move quickly. This can have us operating at face value and missing the important. This can have us making unhelpful decisions and not finding the solutions we need.

When we learn to discern, we always learn more than the skill itself. Now that’s worth the time and effort, don’t you agree.


Winding Roads


Life Is Too Short