Keeping Calm

Today we decided to take our morning walk at the dog beach. In the first light of morning, and as the sun rose, the beach was fairly quiet. Within the next two hours, it got busier and busier.

As I looked out over the water, the horizon was awash with soft, pastel light. It was so peaceful.

Around me the waves, albeit not large, crashed to the shore. Dogs ran and barked and splashed at every turn. In reality, the beach was quite noisy and chaotic.

Donna Karan has it right in that it IS all about finding the calm in the chaos.

As we prepare for a working week ahead, it pays to remember this. Work and life can get incredibly noisy and chaotic. How can we channel moments of calm? How can we find peace amidst the chaos?

I wonder how our teams, colleagues, friends, families and we might benefit when we can keep calm.


Starting Today


Learning To Rest