Good Enough

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good (enough)

I was recently asked to help out a colleague, and despite their assurances that any level of assistance would be great, immediately my mind went to the “perfect” idea of how I could help.

Only trouble was that it would take me much longer to implement. As I found myself pushing the task out for a second time, I remembered what good enough looked like. Phew, I was saved from that pesky perfectionism this time.

Perfectionism really can be a barrier to taking action, and can show up when we are trying to make important changes. We can find ourselves struggling to begin, procrastinating, or setting ourselves unrealistic expectations. Inaction - and frustration - is the result.

For those of us who might have a tendency to identify “perfect” ideas and goals, we need to remain alert to when we see this tendency creeping in.

And, of course, ask ourselves: what might good enough look like instead?


Culture of Change


When In Doubt