Flag Flying

They are flying the flag for all of us.

These words were spoken - with the best of intentions - as part of a celebration for someone taking on a new role.

Afterwards, a question was tentatively offered, “What if I’m flying my own flag?”

What if, indeed.

In work, and life, there can be a pressure to limit the scope of our expectations. We are often provided with a fairly narrow pathway of aspirations, recognition and definitions of success, and, if we define our own wants and needs, achievements and satisfaction accordingly, we might end up feeling left behind.

The person wanting to fly their own flag might end up questioning if it is a valid option.

Flags - like people - come in all different shapes, patterns, sizes and colours.

I’m curious, how might we each see the value in flying our own flag, and in the process realise there is room to fly them all?


Curious About …


Making The Pieces Fit