Finish Lines

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Between the Olympic and Paralympic Games, I’ve been watching a lot of racing in recent times. Time and time again we see that final burst of energy and speed as the finish line approaches, even more impressive at the conclusion of a marathon or 1500m swim.

With a few projects moving toward the finish line, it has me thinking about the concept of goal gradients, a motivational effect suggesting that we can gain a burst of motivation (hence energy and effort) the closer we are to reaching our goals.

There are a few things we can do to maximise this effect:

💥 Have a deadline on all projects, especially internal ones,

💥Use milestones within bigger, or longer term, projects to replicate the finish line feel, and

💥 Keep those deadlines front and centre, as a constant trigger.

It’s energising to know that we too can be like the runners and swimmers and finish strong. I’m curious if you find yourself with a burst of energy and speed as you approach the finish line. 🏁


Rain, Hail or …


Push Forward