Finding Your Way

What’s your way?

I pondered this question as I took in two different videos from artists that I follow. One fills a bucket with paint and swings it on a rope to create large and amazing artworks. The other leans over an A5 piece of paper and, using the finest of pencils, creates a delicate and detailed picture.

Both outcomes are wonderful; both have value; and both belong in the realm of art.

Too often in our workplaces we get locked into one approach, one outcome, and hence we end up with one (sometimes wonderful, sometimes okay, sometimes terrible) picture.

We each bring different ideas, thinking, approaches and value to our work.

When we remain confident in our way, open to others ways, and excited for the variation in what we create, we might just find the art in our work.

I’m curious, what’s the value in your way?


Right There


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