Finding the Way

With all of the tools and information we have available to us, it sometimes remains difficult to find our way.

I received a literal reminder of this as I dropped my son to meet some friends. As we drove, he looked up the meeting spot on his phone. “It says it is here, but it’s not clear,” he wondered aloud. He then received a message from a friend who had already arrived and was searching the vicinity of the apparent destination to no avail.

It can be the same situation when we’re on a change journey.

We get used to having the answer at our fingertips. We use all the information and tools available to us, and we think we know where we’re going. Until the reality shows a different story.

It’s then that things become a little murky and confusing. Our certainty and confidence can take a hit.

In the same way my son exited the car with a “it must be around here somewhere”, we too can use our good ol’ fashioned intuitive problem-solving skills to find our way.




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