Final Stretch

There’s a fine line between accepting something and giving up.

As we head (every so quickly) into the last period of the year, I have observed those who shrug with despondence and admit they’re leaving things until next year.

This year’s done …

We can accept that time (feels like it) moves quicker as we approach the holiday season.

We can accept that we cannot do it all.

We can accept that some things don’t need to have an end of year deadline, and that it is an arbitrary line in the sand.


We can continue to make progress on our important projects and goals.

We can ebb and flow with the tide of this season.

We can strive to make some things happen, while letting some things be.

Perhaps the words of author and poet, Jack Kerouac, sum up how it feels in this final stretch of the year:

It’s all too much and not enough at the same time.

Yes, I can accept that. How about you?


The Joy Of New


No More Shoulds