Fifty-Six Percent

2024 is 56% complete.

This was the message from ProgressBar202_ account on Twitter [X] that prompts the response of: stop the train, I want to get off.

Yes, the year - as years are wont to do - is moving along quickly.

And, when we get stopped in our tracks by a reminder such as this one, it is helpful to reflect on other ways to measure where we are.

What is a significant change made - or adapted to - so far?

Where have new skills and knowledge been useful?

What actions and habits are contributing to progress?

What feeling describes the first 56% of 2024?

Where does the gratitude and joy progress bar sit?

Acutely aware of its passing, we measure so much of our work and life in time. What else might help us progress the remaining 44%?


Worth Celebrating


One Word