Expect Great Things

What do you expect?

Our expectations - both for ourselves and others - impact our experience and outcomes.

If we expect it to be a bad day, it is bound to be a bad day. After all, we will go through the day confirming our expectations with anything that serves to back it up. Spill your coffee ☕ See, I knew this was going to be a bad day. ⁠⠀

⁠With others, if we always expect our team member to let us down, we will always find a reason to be let down by them. And we will change the way we interact with them to such an extent that we are likely to reinforce the ways in which they let us down.⁠⠀

Author Norman Peale wrote: expect great things and great things will come.

What if we start the day with the expectation that it is going to be a great day? We are likely to have a totally different response to the coffee spill as we won’t let it spoil our feeling that it is a great day.⁠⠀

What if we expect great things from ourselves and others? We are more likely to see the good in our intent and behaviour than looking for what is wrong.

How we think is at the heart of our behaviour. ⠀

How can you change your expectations and, as a result, change your outcomes?⁠⠀


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