Eternal Optimism

Dogs never say …

… it’s impossible!

… why bother?

… everything’s hopeless!

Okay, yes I know, they don’t say anything.

As actions speak louder than words, though, we bear witness to a dog’s positivity and optimism every single day.

My dog, Flash, will sit for hours at the base of the kitchen bench hopeful that some food will magically drop his way. He will wake instantly when hearing the gate open and an opportunity to roll in the grass. And, he will follow my son around as he gathers towel and bathers wondering if this means swim time for him, too.

No matter how many false starts there are, he persists with these behaviours and his eternal optimism reminds him: this could be my moment.

To be ready to seize the opportunity of our moment, harnessing the optimism and positivity of our inner canine pal might be just what we need, don’t you agree?


New Week Energy


Keep Pedaling