Energy Check

It’s a ‘lizard on a rock’ type of day.

So went the Monday-focused conversation I was having.

On a warm Spring morning, it isn’t surprising that this is where the discussion landed.

Whatever the weather, our energy is something to be aware of, and to manage well. We might start our day, and week, full of beans and ready to take on every challenge before us.

Or, we can feel like we need to lie in the sunshine to reboot, refresh and re-energise.

In our productivity focused world of work, we are encouraged to be running at full energy all the time. When we are realistic, and take an energy-check for ourselves, and others, we get to set our expectations for the day accordingly, and we get to give ourselves what we need.

Some days it is a ‘lizard on a rock’ type of day. And that’s ok.

I’m curious, what is your Monday energy-check telling you?


Too Many Shoulds


Where To Next?