Energy Bursts

Like clockwork, every night after dinner, Flash the Dog goes to his toy basket to choose today’s favourite. Once chosen (usually with the help of his humans) he spends the next 15 minutes eeking out the last of the day’s energy. Only then can he rest (and snore!). 

It reminds me a lot of the end of a work day.

We often start with a burst of energy, ready to tackle the day’s projects and to-do’s.

The day ebbs and flows in the way that days tend to do.

And, as we approach the end of the day - perhaps after our own energy-boosting mid-afternoon cuppa or snack - we take stock of what we’ve achieved or not. The final push for the day is on.

It may not be as much fun as running around with our favourite toy, although we, too, can rest easy afterward.


Change Stories


Seeking Clarity