Change Stories

I heard them say, “I am at that crucial stage of the project where I’m searching for ‘just the right app’ to complete the project”.

Oh, yes, we’ve all been there.

Research? Procrastination? Diligence? Uncertainty? No doubt, it’s a little of all these things, and more.

Whatever sits behind it, ‘just the right app’ is a story we tell ourselves, and it is one that holds us back from making progress on our projects and the change we seek.

It can show up whenever we impose a set of conditions on our work. Things like:

I can start when …

I need to do this before I can do …

My project / change will only succeed if …

And so on and so forth.

Unpicking, and unpacking, these stories is critical. We may indeed find that app useful, or practicing a new skill, or reading that book, or taking part in that masterclass. But not if it gets in the way of starting, progressing, or completing our projects.

I’m curious, what stories stand in the way of the change you seek?


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