Easier Said Than Done
Easier said than done.
I often come across ideas and advice that appears so simple. And, I’ll find myself writing and guiding with, what feels like, the basic, common sense, uh-duh level ideas.
Take the concepts of starting, and persisting, as they apply to goals, change, or projects.
Start strong.
You need to start.
Start as you intend to go on.
Keep going.
Persistence gets you there.
Push through the hard bits.
And so on, and so forth.
We read it, and hear it, so often that surely, we must have this mastered by now.
Ha, if only.
That’s the thing. Some of these simple, basic, known concepts suffer from what I call the knowing-doing gap. They are easier said than done.
The good thing is that when we continue to read, hear, receive these messages we are moving toward the doing.
It may well be the next time you hear “you will never achieve X unless you start” that you decide that today’s the day to do it.
I’m curious, what might you move to the easier done than said column?