Down Time

In The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows I spotted the word chrysalism. It’s definition being “the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.”

And whilst the predicted thunderstorm didn’t eventuate here today, the rain was enough to experience the tranquility of chrysalism.

Too often we’re called to action by the never-ending list of things to do.

There’s something about a wintery day to call us to inaction, to remind us of the restorative nature of slowing down, and spending time doing little or nothing. And, it’s a bonus if we can manage to do so guilt-free.

We know it is vital to sustain us through work and life. And, yet, closing the knowing-doing gap isn’t easy.

I wonder what happens when we give ourselves permission - thunderstorm or no thunderstorm - to experience the tranquility.


Ideas In Action


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