Domino Toppling

I’m always fascinated by those large-scale domino toppling events. I wonder how many times the wrong domino is knocked over and unexpectedly kickstarts the toppling.

Change can be like one of these events.

We may think we know which one of the dominoes we will start with, and we spend much time arranging the others in the right order. 

Oftentimes it is a random domino that will become the impetus for change.

Perhaps it is the resignation of a key person, acquiring a new customer, or something wildly unexpected like a 2 year + global pandemic. Or what about discovering a new feature of a software program, or an employee who speaks the language of your new market.

Each of these dominoes and more can set you off in a direction that you weren’t expecting to go - maybe now, or maybe ever.

By all means we can continue to set up our dominoes in a particular order, planning for a particular change and outcome, all the while being alert to the unexpected one to take us on a new path forward.

Change, much like that domino toppling event, is predictable and unpredictable. And, equally spectacular.


Messy Middle


Brain Breaks