Different ≠ Wrong

Wrong = Not correct

Different ≠ Wrong.

We encounter this challenge every single day in our workplaces.

Yes, there are aspects of all jobs that need to be done accurately and correctly, whether in outcomes or process.

There’s a whole lot, though, that doesn’t matter.

A huge benefit to be gained from working within a team arises from the differences in how we work.

Yet much of the tension I see within teams often flares up over individual preferences over the things that truly don’t matter. Things such as time-blocking certain tasks or doing them as you go; using a keyboard shortcut instead of a menu; or eating the frog vs cake for breakfast can have people side-tracked and in conflict more often than you believe.

When we see these tensions arise, it’s useful to ask ourselves what is wrong, and what is different?

I wonder, what might we learn from different?


Better Is Better


Effervescent Change