Daily Discovery

Some days I feel as though I have two brains working in tandem 🤯

There’s the part of my brain that is focused on a piece of work, a conversation or delivering a workshop. Then there’s the other half that is working away in the background, drawing the many and varied connections between the dots, and always on the look and listen out for new and relevant information.

After many years spent deciphering scribbles at the side of my notebooks; wrangling sticky notes and saving scraps of paper, I realised I needed a system to capture it all.

If you, too, are a curious, multi-project juggling, dot-joining, idea generating, knowledge seeker and life-long learner, you might do similar.

Each day, I dedicate a page in my notebook to Discoveries.

It becomes a dedicated place to capture book or podcast titles, videos, quotes, and to doodle with new ideas that ‘pop’ into my head.

It becomes a place to review, a resource when I’m ready to do a deep dive into a project, and an opportunity to reflect on the learning and ideas generated each and every day. Some days there are a few items and other days I can fill a whole page or two.

This system made a huge difference to collecting and sorting all that goes on in my tandem brains.

I’m curious, how do you wrangle your daily discoveries?


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