Culture Symbols

The world of work involves a lot of words. We talk, write and read thousands of words every day.

As a lover of words in all their forms, I’m more than okay with this.

In our workplaces, there are elements that exist where words don’t and they can have the most powerful effect on our workplace dynamics and culture.

One such element is symbols.

We humans are well accustomed to using and interpreting symbolism. Symbols allow us to portray, and understand, both message and meaning.

Our first thoughts may be for the physical symbols to be found in a safety sign, or the design elements of our branding.

What about the behavioural symbols shared by your team?

How do you express ideas, deal with difference, introduce change, and celebrate success beyond the use of words? What are the elements that add meaning to the way you work together? What are the unspoken, unwritten yet known and felt parts of your culture?

It’s a great team exercise to dissect the symbolism that exists in your workplace, and a valuable addition to consider what shared symbols you can introduce that will enhance it even more.

Words are wonderful. 

Words and symbols. 💥


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