Chrystal Balls

Can you hand me that chrystal ball?

What? You don’t have one?

No, neither do I.

Of course, we don’t need a chrystal ball to see some of the coming changes in work and life. Many are a long time in the making and are, or will be, coming to fruition in the near future. Others we can surmise and project when we look back in order to look forward. And, others we can thing big and wonder about through things like visioning and scenario planning exercises.

The exciting (and, at times, scary) thing about the future is that none of it is guaranteed. We don’t know with any certainty what will happen. Except to know that we can always expect something unexpected.

When we hold our expectations for the future lightly, within the context of thinking about it fervently, we prepare ourselves to step into the future, adaptively and energetically.

The future is uncertain. And, on the other side of uncertainty is opportunity. Now that’s something to get excited about.

I’m curious, what excites you about the future?


Being Brave


Making Progress