Choices Matter

Choices. We are making them every moment of every day.

And our choices matter.

The message I received today read: time for a coffee or a walk?

The short answer was yes! The opportunity to catch up with a friend was too good to pass up.

But I had a choice to make. Either would meet the goal of an hour spent chatting about all and sundry, bouncing around ideas, going down rabbit holes and getting some creative energy for the week ahead.

By choosing the walk option, I ticked off my exercise goal for the day, and we both got the secondary benefits of fresh air, vitamin D and aerobic exercise. Win, win, win.

We make thousands of decisions each day, with research suggesting we make over 200 regarding food alone.

Many of the choices we make are habitual. Our more mindful choices are often similar to my coffee v walk decision - where both options are good choices.

However, the choices we make both compound and ripple. It’s good to build a habit of holistic and mindful decision making.

As we head into a new week, how might you consider the choices in light of the change you seek to make?


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