Changing ‘Uh Duh’

Uh duh …

Insight. Knowledge. Discovery. Learning.

Each can lead to the ‘uh duh’ of knowing.

“How did I not know this?”

“Why did it take me so long to understand?”

“Is it only me?”

Once we know, it seems obvious.

It is tempting - and understandable - to see our not-knowing as a shortcoming, or a form of failure.

What if we saw it as a natural part of being a life long learner?

When we accept the reality that we don’t (and can’t) know everything;

when we bring curiosity and wonder to all that we do; and

when we take our new insights and knowledge as a gift to drive further discovery and learning;

then not-knowing is a strength to be celebrated.

Replacing ‘uh duh’ with ‘oh yeah!’ is a change worth making, don’t you agree.


Nothing Is Certain


Do What You Love