Change Traps

Just keep going!

Much of the advice on change includes words to this effect. It’s not surprising as persistence is a key element if we are to achieve anything.

What I see often, though, is the acceptance of such advice to suggest that once you’re along the path of change you must persist until ‘the end’.

I hear people say things like:

“Well I’ve come so far, I can’t stop now”

“I’ve invested so much time / money / effort / energy”

“I don’t want to waste the progress I’ve made”

The sunk cost fallacy is an easy trap to fall into. We feel committed to something even when know that changing course is better for us.

What’s done is done.

So if we need to stop, start again, turn right or left, or loop around, or whatever, we can.

This is what keep going really means when we’re making change happen.


Too Much Energy


Experience New