Change the Story

A friend of mine has recently reinvigorated their vegetable garden project. As part of it, they are experimenting with growing vegetables they haven’t grown before. When sharing this story, many in the discussion chimed in with:

“I’m hopeless at growing anything”

“There’s no point as the bugs eat them before I do”

“Oh, I wouldn’t know where to start”

It made me think how our brains often go straight to the reasons why it won’t work, why we shouldn’t start, or why things are best left as they are.

Many times, these reasons are simply stories we tell ourselves.

It is useful to stop and listen to the initial reaction we have when someone suggests something new or different.

What do we hear? What if we challenge our thoughts that say it’s not possible, we aren’t good enough, or we shouldn’t try?

What happens when we change the story? Perhaps it is possible, after all.


Messy Middle


Optimism & Hope