Change Takes Time

7 years, 11 months, 2 weeks ago today …

an organisation made a decision. It was an important, strategic decision intended to be the first domino of change.

Today, the final domino of that decision fell, and the organisation has realised a result foreseen all those years ago.

Even in our fast-paced, ever-changing world, change can take time.

Long-term, important, impactful, and sustained change can be the hardest change of all. When it requires us to trust beyond what we can see, to stay true to our values, and to stay the course of change, it can be tough.

And, then when we see it come to fruition, it is time to collectively smile with joy, and sigh with relief, as we move again, onwards and upwards.

If the change you seek to make needs the time it needs, what might help you stay the course?


Change Your Mind


From Little Steps