Champions Of Change

It is what it is.

In my work championing change for good, I’d like to start with changing these words.

As a mantra for the defenders of the status quo, they are often said with a resigned, shrug of the shoulders before one’s head goes into the proverbial sand.

I believe we must reserve acceptance for the things we truly cannot change. And whilst there are numerous events that are beyond our direct control, we do retain choice about how to adapt and respond to such things. Navigating change is about actions, big and small.

Navigating change is about remaining curious and open to our current situation. It is about exploring and discovering what is possible. It is about recognising that there are often sunk costs associated with change. It is about having the courage to admit we don’t know everything, and that we didn’t have it all mapped out. It is about ebbing and flowing, flexing and adapting, experimenting and testing.

Once. Twice. Thrice. To infinity.

The world we live - and work - in is dynamic, complex and ever-changing. We cannot know everything. We never have it all mapped out. Things are never under total control.

When we save our “it is what it is” words for accepting that things will change, and that we can change, then change becomes something we’re less likely to avoid, deny, fear or fight.

Change is what it is.

Fellow champions of change, what say you, shall we adopt this as our mantra as we embrace, model and navigate the change we seek to make?


Provoke Change


In This Moment