Celebrate Human-ness

“I’ve done all the dumb things …”

So goes the ever-relatable words from Australian storyteller, singer, songwriter, Paul Kelly.

In a recent conversation with my mum, she reluctantly shared a story of a ‘dumb thing’ she had done.

We chuckled about it and she admitted that she wasn’t going to tell me.

Why not? Because she was embarrassed; she should have known how to do this; she’s supposedly older and wiser; she felt dumb.

Why not, I say. It wasn’t the end of the world; it was an easy oversight to make; now she knows; it all worked out fine. And, it is quite a funny story that gave us the opportunity to have a laugh together.

Truth is that whether we are 8 or 80, we are going to do the ‘dumb things’. Because we cannot learn or grow without trying something new, discovering something we didn’t know, and making a mistake or many. Because this is how we humans work.

So, why not celebrate the ‘dumb things’ we do, and what we’re learning, and how we’re growing.

Why not celebrate being a human.

After all, that’s what we are.


Reflection Moments


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