Catch Up?

“You can run and catch up, if you want to…”

I overheard the mum say to her child.

As the working week - and the month - draws to a close, we can also feel behind.

Do we run to catch up?

Do we stay at our current pace, and accept that we’ll get there later than anticipated?

Do we pause, take a break, and re-start again when we’re refreshed?

We might even ask ourselves, are we really behind, or does it just feel that way?

And as we consider what our answer is, it’s worth remember that keeping up (or ahead) is a great plan in a race, however, it’s not always realistic, nor is it always a race.

Keep up. Catch up. Give Up. There are no right answers, instead what is right for us in our circumstances.

Close out this week - and month - asking what’s right for you, right now?


Starting Today


Ripple Forward