Both / And

We are often confronted with conflicting information and data. It can play havoc with our confidence and decision making.

In a simple example, I have two windows near where I sit. If I turn to my left, there is sunshine streaming through the window. If I turn to my right, I see a cloudy, grey sky.

I don’t know if I need my jacket, umbrella, sunglasses or hat. Or, perhaps, all of the above.

It is tempting for our brains to interpret this sort of data as an either / or proposition. It surely can’t be both sunny and rainy at the same time?

What if we reframe our interpretation to both / and?

This thinking helps us to be more adaptable and flexible. Instead of spending our time and energy looking for THE right answer, we can hold the tension of there being many right answers.

Imagine how that might expand the possibilities open to us.


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