Behind The Scenes

Usain Bolt once said: the work is behind the scenes.

It’s obvious when your work output occurs in less than 10 seconds, that there must be more that goes into it.

No matter what our work is, too often the focus is on the ultimate result, and we lose sight of the fact that our real work is always happening behind the scenes.

Our real work occurs when we are practicing, experimenting, making progress, making mistakes, learning and growing, iterating, connecting, communicating and collaborating, and more.

Our real work is about bringing commitment and purpose, consistency and resilience, passion and joy in service of that final result.

When we focus on all of the behind the scenes work, that final outcome or output takes care of itself.

I’m curious, how might you shift your focus behind the scenes in service of the change you seek to make?


Communicate With Care


Over and Over and …