Be Aware

Internally grumpy.

I came across this phrase when reading my writing colleague Steven's blog post this week. This referred to the type of grumpy that comes when you keep it inside rather than take it out on others.

Good for others, yet is it good for us?

It got me thinking about how important it is for us to be noticing what is going on inside. What are we thinking? What are we feeling? What is hanging around on the inside?

Awareness is pivotal when we are seeking to make change happen.

Once aware, what to do with those thoughts and feelings? Some of them can stay neatly tucked inside and be worked through by ourselves. Some, though, will benefit from being on the outside for a while - write them down, say them aloud, or share them with others.

How do we remain mindful of what our internally grumpy, or internally scared, or internally excited, or internally overwhelmed thoughts and feelings need?


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