Are You Ready?

When we are ready, we are ready.

A friend and I were reminiscing over the now-years-ago concerns we held about our children learning to ride a bike. We had hoped for them to master it before it came time to attend a school camp where bike-riding was an expected activity.

Of course, each of our children were ready to learn this skill when they were ready.

And, they were ready when their interest and motivation was activated.

Of course, that alone is not enough.

They were ready when they had the courage to try, and try again.

And wait, there’s more.

They were ready when they put in the practice and effort to embed their new skills.

And, any concerns we might have had were allayed when it turns out they were ready well in advance of the need to be.

We often want to be ready before we are ready. We believe the desire for a new skill/goal/change is enough, and yet, more often than not, it’s being ready to do the work that is the true measure of ready.

It’s a new year, and I am ready. I’m curious, are you?


New Year Noise


Being A Nobody