A Launch Or Two

I’ve had the privilege and joy of witnessing numerous people launch things in the last few weeks.

Multiple book launches. A new website. A blog. A couple of passion projects. A new direction following the completion of studies.

It’s been an inspiration to see people stand tall, proud in their own achievements, and humbly putting their work into the world.

It’s a testament to the commitment each and every person made to themselves - and sometimes, others - when they chose that goal, built new habits, did the work, rode the highs and lows, changed their minds a million and one times along the journey, felt excitement and doubt (often simultaneously), learned new skills, discovered new truths, gained clarity, lost clarity, found new clarity, continued to do the work, and upon deciding it was time, pressed the finished (for now) button.

It’s not unexpected that when we see shiny, big-bang launches and success stories that we might write them off as self-aggrandisement, or lament how we could ever achieve the same.

Yet it is possible to bring our own dreams closer to reality.

Who we surround ourselves with matters. Spending time with people who have decided to make a change, go after a goal, or pursue that area of passion, might be just the inspiration, motivation and perspiration you need.


Keep The Streak


Plans Change