A-ha Moments

If there was to be a movie made about a-ha moments, they’d be depicted as this wondrous moment. The lead character would be going about life as usual. The tempo and ambience would be easy-going. And, then out of nowhere: BOOM. A literal light-bulb moment. Awe and wonder would come over the lead character’s face. 

A-ha, they would exclaim.

In real life, a-ha moments don’t just happen.

Instead they come when we prime ourselves, and our environments, for them. 

When we are curious and interested.

When we are open.

When we ask questions.

When we observe closely and listen deeply.

When we give ourselves space, time and rest.

When we read, watch, listen widely.

When we are ready at the moment the dots join.

This might take minutes, months or years. They’re not magic, nor are they forced. 

But when we prepare the ground for them, we will harvest the reward. And, that is a wondrous moment indeed.


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