Time to Reset

I heard someone relay a story this week about not knowing what day or month or year they’re in, and how work and life is all blurring into one.

It was followed by another from someone who said that they received a Christmas card in the mail sent early December on the same day they had noticed Easter chocolates in their local grocery store.

We want to start a new year off with clarity and purpose. 

But it can feel like there are many factors working against us. The constant nature, and rapid pace, of change can make us feel out of kilter. It ask feels like a blur.

How do we reset and get back on track?

  • Taking some time to reflect on what’s working well and what we might change; 

  • Doing an activity simply for fun and relaxation; and 

  • Ticking off those self care boxes 

are all ways of calming the noise and influence of the busy world around us and of getting back in touch with what matters to us as we kick off the year.

Are you ready for a reset already?


New pathways


Begin Small