Write In Pen

In the early pages of the Focus journal by Seth Godin it states: write in pen.


The permanence of writing in pen, at first glance, feels in conflict with a message of adaptability, agility and change. Surely writing in pencil (or typing on our laptops) allows us to quickly respond to change. Yes, it does.

We’ve all heard the saying, feel the fear and do it anyway.

Writing in pen is this saying in action.

When we write down our goal / project / change we seek to make IN PEN, it

Boldly represents our commitment,

Courageously builds our comfort for mistakes, iterations, and ‘failure’, and

Vividly serves as a record of our journey.

In all of it’s permanent, up-and-down, zig-zagging, crossed out, reimagined, plan A to B to Z glory.

What power lies in the simple action of writing in pen.

Think about the change you seek to make. Have you picked up your pen yet?


We Need Change


Do and Discover