Wonder, Awe & More

New experiences

light up our curiosity, wonder and awe.

What about repeat experiences?

Can we be curious about a second time experience?

Will the third experience, and beyond, elicit the same sense of wonder and awe?

The simple answer is: yes, if we allow ourselves to.

New experiences are wondrous - especially for us curious cats - but there are many experiences in our work and life that we have on repeat. In reality, most of our experiences are never precisely the same as before, yet we can fall into a trap of a ‘been there and done that’ attitude.

We can, instead, choose to keep curiosity, wonder and awe alive in every experience we have.

We can choose to remain curious, wondering how we to go deeper and discover more than the last time. We can choose to bring fresh eyes, and the beginner’s mindset, and experience the same ‘wow’ moments we had previously.

I’m curious, what wonder and awe awaits you this weekend?


Motivation Reset


Beautiful Change