Winding Pathways

Winding pathways are a beautiful way of reaching our destination.

I was struck by German nature photographer, Mandy Rosenfeld’s powerful picture of the winding path through the dark forrest.

Oh how it resonated with the pathway to the change many of us seek to make.

We are bombarded with messages reinforcing a light and breezy, super-speedy, straight-line path to where we are going. These roads do exist, and sometimes they are the appropriate and available ones to take.

Other times, it is a road full of twists and turns, without being able to see the end point, and full of uncertainty of where we go next.

We may not know it in the moment but the winding road also gets us to our destination.

And, we get the added bonus of discovering more about our environment and ourselves at every twist and turn. There is trust, joy, beauty to be found as we persevere on the winding pathway of change.

It’s a journey we should all take once in a while.


Choose To Change


Ideas Need Space